Technological breakthroughs of history/Vaccination/ E.L



The earliest form of vaccination arouse somewhere between 200 to 1000, when the Indians and Chinese tried to battle certain disease that were on the rise, the first concrete evidence of a perform vaccination was in 1500 when the Chinese emperor vaccinated his kid against smallpox, from there on, there has been many epidemics which have taken the lives of many, and it took a very long time for someone to discover a cure, for example in 1545 a smallpox outbreak took the lives of 8000 children in India. Vaccination was needed due to the circumstances that were sorrounding it, in a time period from 1500 to 1750, scientist have recorded more than 25 big cases of diaseses affecting society.


And then came the savior of many lives, Edward Jenner is considered to be the very first scientist to perform a vaccination to the public and successfully treat smallpox, Edward Jenner led the hunt for the cure of many diseases, his invention saved the lives of many since in his time period, smallpox was the leading cause of dead. 


Vaccination wasn’t accepted at first that’s why the first ever vaccine was put into governmental practice in 1798 but was rather first created in 1796. People were not sure how he tested the vaccines before been successful that’s why vaccination has had a controversial side to it.


It wasn’t until May that he got real close to cow pox, in 1796 he developed the first “vaccination” in England more specific Gloucheshire and London


Edward Jenner throughout his life had an interest in science and when he moved to London to start his study, he became real close to one of his teammates in which he learn about clinic surgery but
he really started to like Small Pox because of his friend Sarah Nelmes, then he started to notice that with Cowpox he could help out thousands and thousands of people, his interest in Cow pox led him to creating that famous vaccine


He used notes from Nelme’s lessons to help him throughout his experiment, at first, he didn’t have any guinea pigs to try his test samples with but later that year a mother of a kid who had smallpox came up to him for help, on May 14, 1796, Edward inoculated the 8 year old, James Phipp, afterwards he developed mild fever and discomfort in his axilliae, 9 days after the kid developed a cold and had lost his appetite but surprisingly the next day he felt much better, at last, Edward inoculated the kid again in July of 1796, the kid wasn’t affected anymore, therefore, he concluded that he has cured smallpox once and for all.



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