Formative Activity/Wizard Island, USA

2. Choose one of the volcanoes from question 1 and create a profile of the volcano, including the following information:

A) An annotated diagram of this type of volcano

B) Photographs of the volcano

C)A written description of how the volcano was formed and what state it is in today?

The wizard island was formed some time after the cataclysmic eruption which actually formed the caldera underneath it. The island is a remnant of Mt. Mazama. It was first formed by the buildup of hot cinders, which were ejected from the floor of the caldera some around when Mt. Mazama collapsed. It is believed that it first appeared about 7000 years ago. Wizard Island is on top of a platform made of Andesite lava. Some parts of the island were formed from eruptions underwater. The cone shape above the volcano was created as airborne material, ejected by the erupting vent, fell back onto the cone in a symmetrical pattern. The cone rests on a platform of andesite. The island is currently active. 

D) Interesting facts about Wizard Island 
  • A very interesting fact about Wizard Island is that the Klamath tribe used the lake and its surroundings for "vision quests". 
  • The Wizard Island is located in the deepest lake of the United States
  • There is only public access to Wizard Island during the summer since in winters there are no tours on the island because of its extreme weather
  • The island was named by William Gladstone Steel, who felt that it resembled a sorcerer's hat
  • The island is considered to have one of the best sceneries in the world, with its astonishing and outlandish views.  
E) Bibliography
