Invention vs Inventor/Wheel/C.Y

The wheel Inventor

  • The Sumerians where the inventors of the wheel
  • Sumer was an ancient civilization of Mesopotamia.
  • Sumerians where now for their knowledge, language,governance and architecture.
  • Sumerians medicine was based on magic and herbalism.
  • In 2004 B.C the Amorites begun overtaking the Sumerian Population.

The wheel Invention

  • Wheels were originally used by potters to help shape clay
  • Some early wheels were solid disks of wood cut from tree trunks
  • In 2,000 B.C, someone had the idea of cutting out pieces of wood to make the wheel lighter and faster.
  • A wheel with teeth is called gear.
  • Sumerians didn’t create the wheel until 3500 B.C


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