Script for Saturday

Outline for the presentation
  • General information 
  • Causes 
  • Consequences 
  • Solutions  
Outline of everything in general

First, I'm going to introduce the topic by explaining when did the topic, land contamination, was first discussed, afterwards I will explain who has caused land pollution, then I will briefly explaining why it is so important to discuss this topic, in this section, I'm going to talk about the consequences of Land pollution and exactly what communities and animals are being affected. To end the presentation, I'm going to tell them some simple solutions that have already been taken place and by specific actions they can do. 


Introduction of the topic: 

Land pollution is not a topic that has recently been brought up, in fact, land contamination has been here for as long as humans have existed, the only thing that has changed is the magnitude of this. Many researchers have come to the conclusion that land pollution was first a big problem after the industrialisation era since before this, the land contamination was only known as garbage, the very first big news of an excess of Garbage came in 1600-1650 in England, where a county asked for help on where should they put their garbage, now the contamination is everything that might affect the Earth, like the release of chemicals onto the water, the added chemicals into soils etc. Now a days land pollution is found everywhere and it is up to us to change the future.

You might be asking but how did land pollution came to be? and the answer is pretty simple, we are the destructors of Earth, every single form of pollution that there exists was created by humans, how do I know because before humans came to be, the Earth was a marvellous, beautiful craft of nature, there was no misbalance in any cycle whats so ever but when humans came along that quickly change, now those beautiful works of art are either no longer there or they are unrecognisable. We have caused land pollution, therefore if we change, land pollution will no longer pose a threat to our survival. 

We are currently affecting full on communities and animals with the contamination we are realising, we are dumping huge piles of garbage into soil that can be used for vegetation but it is also affecting its surrounding by contaminating the soil and by the realising of the chemicals those pieces of garbage are made of. Garbage has become such a major problem that right now in India, there exists villages made out of garbage known as Slums, the risk they are bringing to themselves is unbelievable if they don't already die of the excess of garbage, they will for sure die to the diseases living among garbage might bring, in another country like Haiti, garbage has extended so much that the percentage of rich soil came down from 60% to 2%. Animals are also affected by land pollution and chemical waste, a prime example the Fukushima power plant eruption, where the chemical waste went onto the water and affected every little animal who were present at that time, now the reproductions of those animals are being either sterilised or killed because of how dangerous they can become. There are many cases like this one. But a heart breaking fact would be that right now every year, we kill around 1 million mammals and 100,000 seabirds, as well death toll, there is also estimated deaths, as of 2050 it is expected that almost 80% of all endangered species will become extinct and that animals are not going to vary that much anymore.

However, we are still in luck, we are just in time to change but it needs to start now, small contributions will end up adding up but in the state we are right now, desperate needs call for desperate measure, we have to start by doing some bigger things but not forgetting the smaller ones, by following this 3 easy solutions we can change the world. It is up to us to change not only for me and you but for everyone because we all have the right to live a long healthy life, and most importantly do it for you children and the future generations so that they can enjoy the beautifulness of nature.


  1. Limit the amount of time you use your car

I am not telling you to not use your car at all but use your car wisely,
firstly it can save up a little of gas, therefore less money, secondly you will
not be damaging the air that much. Thirdly for small trips you can see
walk or do bicycle which will help your exercise.

      2 . Balance your diet more, less red meat, more poultry and fish.

Although red meat by itself is not harmful the production of that red meat
is the form in which it damaging the earth, when red meat is produced a
lot of materials is wasted and it affects both land and air contamination.
Less red meat equals better health, better environment.

       3 . Garbage

Most people produce at least 2.2 kilograms of garbage every day, most of
that amount was either used for a little bit or it wasn’t even that useful, I
invite you to be careful on how much materials you throw away and try to at least justify their use.

I alongside 7 billion people beg you to start change because if you do, the rest will follow through.


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