Formative Activity/Volcano/Types

Task 1: Go online and research the following volcanoes. Write down what type of volcanoes each one is:

A) Eldgja, Iceland

The Eldgja volcano is one part of Iceland many volcanic places, in this occasion the Eldgja volcano is considered as a shield volcano because of how large and stretch it is.

B) Mauna Loa, Hawaii

The Mauna Loa is one of five volcanoes that form the island of Hawaii, the Mauna low volcano is also considered a shield volcano because of its main vent shape.

C) Mount Fuji, Japam

Mount Fuji is an active volcano present in Tokyo, Japan, Mount Fuji is considered a stratovolcano.

D) Wizard Islamd, USA

Wizard Islands in Oregon is considered a Cinder cone volcano because it is a fast growing volcano.


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