
Showing posts from November, 2018

Do you care of our planet?/Christopher Yepez

. The reality of our planet  is Heartless, we are killing our trees, trees give us life and we are destroying that life ourselves.  We need to be part of solution and not of the pollution. Air pollution is not a joke, Air pollution will make you choke.We need to stop the pollution quick, don’t make the water sick. Every day trees supply oxygen for 4 people, and we don’t matter of that. If you cut a tree you kill a life, if you save a tree, you save a life, if you plant a tree, you plant a life. Forming pollution is easy, but resolving the impact of it is difficult. We need to be conscious of what is happening in our life and on Earth.

How can we prevent land pollution?/Christopher Yepez


How to stop land pollution?/Christopher Yepez

1._Green agricultural Practices Agricultur production practices qualify as massive casual agents for water pollution., The sedimentes are washed from agricultural lands into, rivers. Lakes, and oceans, causing silt depositions. Green agricultural practice techniques like crop rotation,contour plowing,munching etc. Commercial fertilizers manure applied to agricultural lands contain. Phosphates and nitrates that are washed off into water bodies, if not, herbicides and pesticides have chemical contaminants that are washed into rivers, oceans, lakes by storm water. 2._Individuals Efforts and educative Campaigns It is a great starting point as a mean of fighting the causes of land pollution,some examples include to use media of, institutions, and online educative forums that can include: The need to use water bins Avoiding throwing of oils paints and chemicals.

Formative Activity/Volcano/Types

Task 1: Go online and research the following volcanoes. Write down what type of volcanoes each one is: A) Eldgja, Iceland The Eldgja volcano is one part of Iceland many volcanic places, in this occasion the Eldgja volcano is considered as a shield volcano because of how large and stretch it is. B) Mauna Loa, Hawaii The Mauna Loa is one of five volcanoes that form the island of Hawaii, the Mauna low volcano is also considered a shield volcano because of its main vent shape. C) Mount Fuji, Japam Mount Fuji is an active volcano present in Tokyo, Japan, Mount Fuji is considered a stratovolcano. D) Wizard Islamd, USA Wizard Islands in Oregon is considered a Cinder cone volcano because it is a fast growing volcano.

Formative Activity/Wizard Island, USA

2. Choose one of the volcanoes from question 1 and create a profile of the volcano, including the following information: A) An annotated diagram of this type of volcano B) Photographs of the volcano C)A written description of how the volcano was formed and what state it is in today? The wizard island was formed some time after the cataclysmic eruption which actually formed the caldera underneath it. The island is a remnant of Mt. Mazama. It was first formed by the buildup of hot cinders, which were ejected from the floor of the caldera some around when Mt. Mazama collapsed. It is believed that it first appeared about 7000 years ago. Wizard Island is on top of a platform made of Andesite lava. Some parts of the island were formed from eruptions underwater. The cone shape above the volcano was created as airborne material, ejected by the erupting vent, fell back onto the cone in a symmetrical pattern. The cone rests on a platform of andesite. The island is curren

Earth Pollution
