
Showing posts from December, 2018


Ecuadorian Entrepreneurship related to glass containers With the inauguration of Owens, Illinois-Ecuador, it is a company that produces glass containers for some 300 firms nationwide. In Ecuador, on this site, workshops are being held to develop new packaging models, focused on enhancing sustainability, innovation and quality.


Why are Mason Jars an excellent replacement for Plastic? You can store foods like: Cereals Seedbeds Flour Salt pepper Cafe sugar Salads They are useful for storing and separating kitchen utensils Cupcake pieces Chopstick dispenser -Can be used as pots -You can use details, instead of using cardboard The mason jars have more uses than the plastic, and will say more, that's why they are a good replacement for the plastic

Script for Saturday

Outline for the presentation General information  Causes  Consequences  Solutions   Outline of everything in general First, I'm going to introduce the topic by explaining when did the topic, land contamination, was first discussed, afterwards I will explain who has caused land pollution, then I will briefly explaining why it is so important to discuss this topic, in this section, I'm going to talk about the consequences of Land pollution and exactly what communities and animals are being affected. To end the presentation, I'm going to tell them some simple solutions that have already been taken place and by specific actions they can do.  Script:  Introduction of the topic:  Land pollution is not a topic that has recently been brought up, in fact, land contamination has been here for as long as humans have existed, the only thing that has changed is the magnitude of this. Many researchers have come to the conclusion that land pollution was first a big

The causes, consequences and solutions to land pollution

Solutions to our Planet Earth/Christopher Yepez